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Tuesday, November 16, 2010
This was our last day of camp. We started the day by taking our tents down then we had breakfast. After breakfast we packed our bags and our lunches. We got ready to do our tramp and our guide, Pete, talked to us about the importance of signing a visitors book. Our tramp had a scary start because while our guide talked to us about a spooky story of a man who was lost, an old man who appeared drunk approached us. No one was sure what to do, we all thought it was the man in the story but after talking to him we realised he had diabetes! He was having a low blood sugar attack. After several choc chip cookies he was on his way again.

On our tramp we climbed over trees, some of us got stuck in the mud – leaving our shoes behind us! We stopped to have a rest by a river. Magnus, Riley, Esi and Pete were zooming down the hill with bush-made poles guiding them down to avoid falling. They ran ahead of the pack, jumping an dodging over rocks and trees. After our big tramp, we got to see an old Totara tree that resembled a large hollow house. Most of us had a great time and realised we enjoyed tramping. The tramp took us a total of six hours to complete and at the end of it there was a bus waiting to take us back to the train to return home.

By Tayla, Magnus and Riley


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This is a space for the students of room 10 to write about events that have taken place over the year for their friends, family and community to read and respond to. Please feel free to comment on student responses